Broken but beautiful

A few years ago I was taking a walk along the beach, chasing crabs into their holes, something I really enjoy doing. some of them would get so scared and forget where their holes were while others were fearless and would start chasing me instead. I was also taking pictures of little creatures and one of them was this big crab. I remember walking towards it to take pictures and it started “chasing” me but I managed to get a few good shots. I got closer to see if I could get more pictures and I did but I noticed that it was missing more than one limb yet this precious creature was feisty and couldn’t go down without a fight. Later when I was looking at the pictures I thought it was beautiful despite the missing limbs which reminded me of me and everyone else. Even though life has been hard and has broken us in many ways, we are still beautiful and instead of losing hope we can always chose to be feisty and never go down without a fight.

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